This Week at Tag’s Take Out (Sept 12 - 16th)
Tag's Foodies & Friends -- Announcing our Specials including Soup for this week!
> Tag's Rigatoni & Italian Sausage (Hot)
> Cheese Ravioli Dinners
> Meat Ravioli Dinners
> Creamy Tortellini & Sausage Soup with Kale
We'll be stocking our coolers with Tag's Original Sauce, Meatballs, Handmade
Pastas (Gnocchi, Homemades/Fettuccine, Ravioli), Aldo Salad, Dressings (Aldo Salad and Blue Cheese), Peppers (Tag's Mild Peppers and Italian Gourmet Peppers by John Flock) and more!
> Oropallo Extra Virgin Olive Oil Imported from Italy
> Hard Crust & Soft Crust Italian Bread by @LycomingBakery (Tuesday - Friday)
> Authentic Italian Pastries by @Predoni's
> Gourmet NY-Style Cheesecake by Batter-Up Bakery
Our desserts this week include Predoni's Pasticiotti (Lemon, Vanilla), Ginettes (Lemon, Vanilla), Biscotti (Almond, Cranberry & White Chocolate) and S'mores.
And we're introducing a new delicious flavor of cheesecake from Batter Up Bakery perfect for these late summer/early autumnal days -- Cinnamon Carmel! We also are featuring Cannoli, Chocolate Lovers, Plain, and Peanut Butter Cheesecake this week!
Located at 1116 Market Street, we're open from 11am - 6pm, Monday through Friday.
If you'd like to pick up your order at a specific day/time, please call us at (570) 865 - TAGS or message us here on Facebook.